Lotus Herbals Sunblock SPF40 Review

Lotus Herbals Matte Look Sun Block With SPF 40.JPG

Lotus Herbals Sunblock SPF40 Review

Hi Everyone,

My daughter’s summer vacation is coming to end now and we are at my native place and the humidity is as high as the temperature here. In May and June especially the north India becomes so hot and humid that people get sick. The dry and hot hair can cause heat stroke which can led to acute dehydration resulting death sometimes. I would advise everyone spending their vacation during this time to keep themselves hydrated and drink 2-3 liters water daily. If you experience upset stomach with fever please consult doctor earliest and drink homemade aam panna ( a drink made from raw mangoes).

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Sun Protection And Care From Oriflame


 Oriflame Sun Protection And Care

 Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to tell you about sun protection from Oriflame and give you few tricks and tips to keep your skin healthy. If you want to kepp your skin glowing and fresh in this summer season follow these simple rules with a good quality sun protection.

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