Lotus Herbals Rose Tone Facial Skin Toner Review

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Lotus Herbals Rose Tone Facial Skin Toner

 Hi Everyone,

We all know that CTM(Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing) is a must for each one of us. I my self follow my CTM routine at least 2 times a day and would recommend everyone not to take this lightly. Now a days I am using a facial toner from Lotus Herbals called Rose Tone.

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Toners are used  to cleanse the skin and shrink the appearance of pores. Toners are mainly used to hydrate your skin before miniaturization but alcoholic toners might dry out your skin. Store bought toners might contain alcohol so it is advisable to use either rose water or homemade toners if you want to sty away from alcoholic toners called astringent.

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