Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream Review

Roop Mantra Ayurvedic Cream

Hi Everyone,

Today, I am going to review the Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream which came with the facewash (review here) last month. Roop Mantra Ayurvedic cream is  very popular and is from Divisa Herbal care which makes many other recognized products like Dr. Ortho, Accumass, and Kesh king etc. Without creating suspense I will straight away share my experience with the cream. 

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Bajaj Nomarks Cream for All Skin Types Review

NoMarks Cream4.JPG

Bajaj Nomarks Cream for All Skin Types

Hi Everyone,

I have normal to combination type skin and gets easily dark when exposed to sun. I normally use a SPF 50+ but sometime when I am out for longer time period under harsh sun then my sun block fails to protect me. I use a  tan removal cream or bleach to get my normal skin tone back. But they are chemicals and I was searching for something herbal to get rid of tan. When I got this cream from Bajaj Corp. Ltd. I realized that this I have used almost 10 years back and suddenly stopped using it (don’t know why?).

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Vicco Turmeric WSO Skin Cream Review

Vicco Turmeric WSO Skin Cream

Vicco Turmeric WSO Skin Cream

Hello Everyone,

I bought this cream because my aunt was using it for many years and had no complains at all. this cream is very old and i have heard people saying it is a good multipurpose cream – A must for every household.


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