An immune India

An immune and healthy India

Dabur chyawanprash

 Dabur chyawanprash

What is immunity?

“In medical terms immunity refers to the state of having biological defenses to avoid infection, diseases and any other unwanted biological invasion. Immunity is the capability of a body to resist any harmful micro organism like virus from entering our body.”(Defined in Wikipedia)

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Traditional Knowledge and Natural Growth

Traditional Knowledge, Natural Growth


The elements

We believe that our body is made of 5 elements or “tatvas” these are:

  • Earth also called “pritvi” refers to our physical form our body.
  • Water also called “jal” refers to the life giving fluid our blood that flows in our veins.
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Save Money While Shopping With Cashkaro

Save Money With Cashkaro

Online shopping gives you the convenience of shopping from your home. It saves time and you don’t have to go somewhere and whole store will come to you. Many online stores give some discount coupons to its customers that can be used to save money. This is why many people are now buying online as they want to save time and money.

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